Today's outfits are pay items but you should definitely check them out. I use the same hair and tattoo on both pictures. Have fun!
1. Connors
( => click picture to enlarge !)
Hair: Dura - Boy24* Dark 6color Fat (Black, not free)
Shirt: *Connors* HAWAIIAN SHIRT TROPICAL YELLOW (not free, comes in multiple colours)
Bracelet: Sole Comp leather BRACELET:::- (Group GIFT) still available!
Pants: *Connors* HALF CARGO CAMO BROWN (not free, comes in multiple colours)
2. LikeA and MayCreations
( => click picture to enlarge !)
T-Shirt with Shades: ::LikeA:: Tshirt(V)_WHITE+SUNGLASSES (new release, not free)
Pants: ::LikeA:: SURF PANTS "Red beach" (new release, not free)
Shoes: MayCreations - Cowboy Boots JR Skull for men (new release, not free)